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Writer's pictureSpec International

2023 Flood response course


Spec International conducted two weeks of flood response training for the US Coast Guard, March 27-31 and April 3-7 at Muscatatuck Urban Training Center (MUTC). We will conduct another 2-week session in May 2023 at the same location.

  • The course was developed by Spec and the USCG over the past 4 years and is the approved USCG flood responder training.

  • The instructors are flood responders at local and state flood events, as well as FEMA USAR responders; all instructors are current emergency responders.

  • MUTC is a unique location because it has a flooded village and reservoir for boat operations, also wooded areas with crash site props for students to navigate to and conduct victim rescue operations.

This course offering is a Coast Guard approved and based on National Fire Protection Association principles from standards 1006 and 1670. The elements covered range from:

  1. Recognition of hazardous water conditions in the flood environment.

  2. Boat operations in both open water and flooded residential areas.

  3. Gaining access to trapped patients on rooftops, in attic spaces, behind locked doors (forcible entry) and trapped in vehicles using hand tools available, mainly haligan bars and flat head axes. Tools that are in the USCG flood response cache and on any fire response vehicle.

  4. Rope rescue elements, such as low angle raising and lowering along riverbanks and moving patients safely from rooftops and vehicles in flooded areas.

  5. Navigation and data documentation using the FEMA recognized platforms such as SARCOP (Quick Capture app, a real time phone-based system) and Iron Sights (GPS based).

  6. Boat recovery techniques – rescue of floating victims, animals, and retrieving rescue swimmers.

The instructor cadre include personnel in the emergency response community with backgrounds rooted in local, state, and national level events. This is Spec’s 4th year working with the USCG and the course is successful in training already skilled water rescue personnel in the nuances of flood rescue. 2023 is the first year of a multi-year contract with the Coast Guard and Spec International is proud to assist this organization in honing a skill set to save lives.

If this is a program that would be beneficial for your organization, contact Larry Phillips to plan your customized training course:

To connect with Spec about EXPERT TRAINING SOLUTIONS, give us a call at: 757-468-4513

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